Stress Causes Illness

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The Mechanisms by Which Stress Is Thought To Cause Illness

The Mechanisms by Which Stress Is Thought To Cause Illness


Medical research shows that stress causes actual chemical changes in the brain, and these changes can influence the state of well-being(Petersen Maier Seligman 1995 pp.112-119). The body and mind reacts to an imbalance in life with a 'fight or flight' reaction. During times of stress the adrenal glands release adrenaline, a hormone that activates our body's defense mechanisms causing the hearts rate to increase, blood pressure to rise, muscles to tense, and the pupils of our eyes to dilate.


Stress can also have more subtle symptoms that persist over time; constant worrying, anger, hurt or depression can lead to chromic aches and pain, heart palpitations, chest pains, insomnia, chronic fatigue, body infections and a loss of appetite or an increased need to eat.

Not all stress causes extreme reactions and stress during difficult situations and times can be controlled and dealt with in more healthy ways.

Stress Problems

Both short term and long term stress can have effects on your body. These effects can make us more likely to get ill, and worsen existing problems. Some researchers think that stress may be a contributing factor in illnesses from insomnia to backaches and depression to chronic fatigue syndrome. Stress can also age you before your time as it damages the immune system( Seligman 1975 pp.56-59).

The risk for heart disease, the number one killer of women, and certain types of cancers are also increased by stress. In many people unmanaged and untreated stress may lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes and other cardiovascular conditions(Petersen Maier Seligman 1995 pp.112-119). People commonly feel the effects of stress as various aches and pains, muscle tension and soreness, headaches and gastrointestinal disorders such as ulcers, lower abdominal ...
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