Homeless People In Tampa

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Homeless People in Tampa


One tends to see them sitting on foot paths, and other see the homeless people linger around dumpsters waiting for the next pile of rubbish, so that they can fish out food. Homeless people make up the social strata of every society and represent pity. They sleep in make shift houses made out of cardboard boxes and sticks along with their infinite array of fragmented objects.


Homeless people are those who have irregular dwelling conditions as they are either unwilling to acquire or maintain safe, regular housing due to many social and personal factors. At times immigrants coming from across the border end up living on the streets or residing in the slums of the other country. India is the country which has happens to have the highest number of homeless people, and now the number of homeless persons is becoming high in the United States of America as well, due to the recent calamities which hit states like Mississippi, Florida and New Orleans. The number has gone as high as 700,000 since the last 2 years.

Homeless people marginalized within the larger community

These people are marginalized as in they are excluded from being to get basic advantages for examples being able to get social welfare, they are not hired also they are not considered as a part of the society. The majority treat these individuals in an undignified manner which means they are exposed to inhumane treatment; people tease them and at times even hurt them (Ackerman, 10).

Homeless people are scavengers, who go through one's trash to get food or any other thing. They are typically seen sleeping on footpaths, on railway stations and even in the dank alleys. Especially after the calamities, Tampa in Florida was hard hit and many people became homeless. Since the ...
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