Homeland Security

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Homeland Security

Homeland Security

Homeland Security


From the time America won it's freedom back a little more than two and a half centuries before, America has run into numerous problems. Some being natural catastrophes and some being terrorist attacks. But who is in charge of keeping the peace? Who has the responsibility and intergrity to hold America's head high throughout these troublesome times,and be adept to take initiative to find a way to avert it from happening in the future for generations to come? I'll notify you who, the D.H.S., furthermore known as the Department of Homeland Security.

The D.H.S. was created following the World Trade

Center/Pentagon disasters in November 2002 (National Geographic, pp.56-65).

President George W. Bush, throughout the proceed of 2002) established the D.H.S. through the agency of Homeland Security. Unbelievably, the D.H.S. was formed by twenty-two seperate bureaus; Depts. of Agriculture, Commerce, protecting against, power, wellbeing and Human Services, Justice, transport, Treasury, to register a few, they were reorganized and formed. In the government government, the D.H.S. is the third biggest boss department.

With the D.H.S. replacing these partitions, in compensation, it is made up of numerous similar divisions. The biggest being boundary and transport Security division, which is made up of the Bureau of Immigration, culture Enforcement, Bureau of culture, boundary Protection, and transport Security Admistration.


The balance of main concern and assets the territory allocations to each of these three functions has altered over time. During our colonial days, the first obligation citizens needed of their localized authorities was the performance of Homeland protecting against (as a sub-element of Homeland Security), as militias were formed and called out, first against marauding French and Indians, and later against British troops. As soon as the Declaration of Independence turned the colonies into "states," private, local and state institutions began to field military units for the role of Homeland Defense (Bradner, pp.28). The first main concern for the fledgling American Congress was to set up and support a nationwide force for Homeland Defense.

But as shortly as the beat of the British was secured, vigilance to Homeland protecting against waned. Government institutions at all levels turned directly to increasing their role in General Welfare, and Homeland protecting against was relegated to little militia assemblies and an even littleer normal Army. The Navy was disassembled entirely. National Security (advancing our concerns overseas) was encouraged nearly entirely by the Department of State.

Within a couple of years, ...
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