The 5 computer cards were done on AppleWorks Paint (No longer sold. The program has been replaced by Paintbrush, a free program). All 5 of the art cards were first drawn in pencil, colored with colored pencils/markers then Lauren scanned them in.
Using your choice of graphics programs and, create 'evidence' that Santa has made his mark in a famous work of art. Create an illustration of hat/boots/coat and make it look like it belongs there in the work of art.
Print this in B & W first, then a color print. If you want extra credit, turn this into a greeting card using Microsoft Publisher - modify template to your needs.
Other programs that create greeting cards:
PrintMaster Platinum - This one has been rated $1 by Top Ten Reviews.
Print Shop 23 Deluxe - Top Ten Reviews rates this as #2.
Print Artist Platinum - This one has been rated #3.
Pieces will be displayed this week in the Library.
Any graphics software (even PC Paint will work- See list at the bottom of this page), card stock, envelopes, Printing Inks.. Markers., Colored Pencils.. Note from Judy: Check with local printers - they may even DONATE your card stock and envelopes (they did for me). Go first to the printer that prints all of the materials for your school -- then try printers in your district. You can purchase Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, InDesign an Fireworks at the Adobe Education Store.
Key Vocabulary:
Peak their interest early! Folks could try out the idea yet this year - experiment with an art parody Valentine's Day Card - or Mother's Day card - just to learn how to do it so in the fall it will be easier for them (and you)....or maybe even have the ...