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The United States Constitution is the highest Governing documents of the Republic or the supreme law of the United States. He was adopted as the supreme law of 17 September 1787 at the founding meeting was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was later to be ratified by the people of the republic at all constituent States to begin with the phrase "we the people". Since its development, ratification and subsequent amendments to the components of IT has stood the test of time, so that eventually one of the best constitutions in the world (Smith, 29).

Attitude of the American Revolution to the Constitution:

The American Revolution or American War of Independence War uprising of participation of the American colonies against the British This has led to the achievement of American independence in 1776. Since the main goal for the American Revolution was to free the American colonies from British or foreign domination, the U.S. Constitution sought to create a frame work that would provide TotalFreedom for all American citizens.

Galanthus Constitution was designed so that it will make it very difficult or impossible for any other person or group of individuals to deny the American people their freedom. Galanthus It would be no one to impose a print coupon, their compromise the American people without their permission or consent.

To make the people on the basis of the constitution was necessary so that it has ratified, to depict proximity to the American people, the preamble to the U.S. Constitution was amended to start with the phrase "We the people ...".

Compare and contrast ideas of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists:

In American history, the term federalist refers to two cases. In the first case, the term used to refer to government or public figures who supported ratification of the draft constitution of the United States (1787-1789) he was closely associated with the Federalist papers (dissertation series of 85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison, which serves for ratifying the U.S. Constitution) (Brown, 21). In this line of anti-Federalists were a group that was clearly a counter-movement against the establishment of a strong national government under the Constitution. This group was in favor of leaving the government under the auspices of the Articles of Confederation intact. (Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union of American Republics first match of the Governing Document which was written in 1777.)

In the second term perspective is used to refer to people or public figures who support the administration of George Washington (1789-1797) later to be called they would have it the Feds "party". Federalists favored a national system of government where power is shared between national and state government. They expected that it will adopt a system of separation of powers and checks and balances (Bergen, 58).

Through essays Federalist Papers especially B45, and 46 of the Federalist explained that they wanted a form of government within the existence of the United States. These so-called federalists face stiff competition from the second group of anti-Federalists who were mostly against Alexander ...
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