“Hills like White Elephants” has been written by Ernest Hemingway in 1927. It explicates that the different beliefs of man and women regarding different aspects of life subjects and fundamental life issues. Through this story, the author delineates the communication gap between a couple, misunderstanding, and lack of relationship. This story expounds the dialogue and symbolism between two characters of the story in a top-notch manner. This paper intends to show an analysis of the story and its theme. It shows the background of the literature; the idea behind the concept and what how the author delivered this concept.
Hemingway's story portrays wide range of metaphors to explain the expression of various characters' feelings, emotions and beliefs. In the end we come to know that the subjects of the story were discussing the topic of abortion as it remains ambiguous and vague until the end. The couple has an unusual routine of wandering around and drinking beer. The male character is entirely in the favor of abortion and doesn't intend to have a change in life. On the other hand, the girl desires to have a different life style and wants to build up a family (Perrine & Johnson, 2009). The whole story depicts the poor conversation between the couple in the whole scenario. Through this story we come to know that how a male exploits a girl and endeavor to convince her to get rid of the responsibilities and continue his pleasure. Although he expressed the things in a very normal manner but these things were still considered a taboo in 1920s.
Analysis The hills across the valley stand for the pregnancy of the girl, which also symbolize one of the two decisions that the girl must make. In this story, the ...