Written in the form of a simple dialogue, Ernest Hemingway's, "Hills like White Elephants" leads to simple understandings as well as profound questions. Hemingway uses a very pure form of objective view point to depict a conversation between couples. His use of objective view point causes the reader to feel as though they are perhaps sitting at a table near the couple. The objective point of view shows only external happenings and does not delve into the characters, thus one can see it as a very concealing point of view. By examining Hemingway's choice of point of view, by noting the effect this view has on the reader, and by illustrating how this view conceals the characters, one gains more from "Hills Like White Elephants" than just the pleasure of the read.
Although some consider it difficult to use an unadulterated form of objective view, Hemingway accomplishes it in a near flawless manner without causing the story to lose any of its grace or depth. The dramatic point of view utilizes a literary "microphone," so that the text contains no commentary or interpretation from the author. Because of this, Hemingway must create his story by utilizing naught but dialogue. This dialogue, although centering on a topic that the reader does not comprehend, gives insight into both characters without the aid of interjections from Hemingway. Although best displayed on the stage or the movie screen, the objective view gives a very real life feel to any fiction that one properly applies it to.
Hemingway's choice of view sits the reader comfortably near the main characters. This gives the reader the feeling of participation in the action of the text. The objective point of view tends to leave the reader with very little in the way of background information ...