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Helmet by William Shake Spare

Helmet by William Shake Spare

Question 1:

Compare Hamlet and King Oedipus in terms of how the breaking or corruption of trust between characters is central to both tragedies. Discuss no more than two or three examples from each text.

In the play Oedipus the King, the main character was Oedipus. In that play Oedipus was thought as the tragic figure. He was called this because from birth he was doomed. He was so obsessed with the love of the his mother that he wanted to sleep with his mother. the tragedy started with his birth and by the time his parents realized that his life was doomed and nothing else. From the beginning of the two stories, the truth is revealed. In Oedipus Rex, the truth originates from a divine plan. Oedipus responds to his people, promised to banish the guilty, went for in search of the truth, recognized, and knew what to do and did not hesitate at all. This gives him a character of tragic hero, as it is a morally superior to others. Unlike Hamlet, this has the truth from the beginning of the play, which is part of a universe that was completely unknown. However, Hamlet was the character of the tragic hero in Shakespeare in Auerbach's words “is developed with much more truth and variety than in the old.” Shakespeare's tragedy, it interweaves the hero with his history but it has a more active role in the conception of their destiny and now comes the tragic conflict (Yeats, 1970, 30).

Hamlet was saddened by the death of his father, embodied a “dual nature”. After the appearance of the shadow (spell doom fact that, as this reveals the truth and calls for revenge) had a strong incentive to take revenge, but also reflected his own attitude, and that is when the hero falls in the question of “being”. Although sometimes the hero is forced to act but sometimes hesitated and think without neglecting his decision to take revenge. Hamlet seeks “to be” individually to convince revenge. However, all the pain it takes to shuffle weighs the option of suicide, before knowing able to avenge the death of his father. Anyway, we always take into account the socio-cultural conditions is reflected in his work, affecting Shakespeare in his time and build this code of values ??that make up the hero. The difference between Hamlet and King Oedipus tragedies is the beginning for seeking the truth. For this Oedipus is forced to look when all the people come begging to find a cure for plague which was afflicting people. He sent his brother to the temple of Apollo for finding out the real murderer of Laius. While in Hamlet after his father's ghost appears to him began to investigate if it was true or not what the ghost said. The search began for taking revenge and honouring his father. When looking for the truth of both the characters, it can be clearly seen that they both ...
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