Health Promotion

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Health Promotion in Nursing Care

Health Promotion in Nursing Care

How is health promotion defined?

The health promotion is the process that enables people to increase control over their health to improve. It is an area of public health that dedicated to exploring ways to promote better health in the population. The definition given in the historic Ottawa Charter of 1986 is that the promotion of health "is to provide people the means to improve health and exercise greater control over it." The areas of action proposed by the Ottawa Charter are: to build public policies healthy, creating environments that promote health, develop personal skills, strengthen community action, and reorient health services. The health promotion draws on many disciplines such as epidemiology, medicine, sociology, psychology, communication and education (Mittelmark, 2008).

What is the purpose of health promotion in nursing practice?

The purpose of Health Promotion Model in Nursing Model is the first model of nursing to focus explicitly on health promotion and remains an influential model for the practice of health education in community nursing. Strongly influenced by the health belief model, which developed to explain why individuals take action to prevent or disease, Pender model suggests that cognitive factors such as perceived benefits and barriers to action, as well as self-efficacy, combined with biological individuality, psychological, experience and cultural characteristics (age, gender, socioeconomic status, priorities related to lifestyle, situational and interpersonal influences), lead the individual to commit to the plan of action, the result will be the promotion of health behaviors.

As for the nursing intervention in health promotion concerned, Pender based largely on self-care model from Orem, has received wide acceptance by the nursing community, in their model identifies three types of practice nurses, one of which call it the Education System for the development of nursing, which gives the patient the ...
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