Health Project

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Extensive Health Project/Portfolio

Extensive Health Project


Today's world where we live is filled with economic troubles and recession. Every new day this world faces a new challenge. In such era of recession, inflation and high cost of everything it becomes difficult for an individual to spend on healthcare. Our government also spends a mammoth amount on healthcar. In order to combat the high cost of the healthcare government presents healthcare reforms. In this situation, what can lend a hand in combating this problem is getting education and information about the variegated issues of healthcare. For this purpose, healthcare fairs play a vital role. The aim and objective of this paper is to talk about the few of the details of the helath fair organizaed in a school as a group assignment and to include the details about this program in the portfolio. The topic that was chosen to be addressed to the students of the 7th grader was food and nutrition.

Description about the Topic of the Health Fair

The topic that was chosen for the healthcare fair was food and nutrition. The aim of the fair was to educate 7th grader about food and nutrition. Food and nutrition is such a core topic of the healthcare. Food and nutrition can be regarded as the nub of the healthcare because it is the diet or food or nutrition that an individual takes that shapes the health, fitness and wellbeing of an individual.

Food can be described as the solid or liquid products we eat, which the body gets the nutrients from that it needs to live and expels the rest is not usable. Examples: milk, bread, tomato, cheese, fish. Nutrients on the other hand, are chemical compounds contained in foods that provide the cells with everything they need to live. Examples: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids. Food and Nutrition are two closely related but distinct concepts. A person can be adequately fed if he or she has eaten enough food, but may be poorly nourished with such food if not taken all kinds of nutrients the cells need to live and function properly. Thus, the fate of nutrients in foods are the cells. Like all our body is composed of cells, if they receive all the necessary nutrients, our body will be healthy (Roberta, 2002).

The importance of food and nutrition is very important among children. This shapes their diet habit that they will keep on following all their lives. It is important to create awareness about the food and nutrition among children. In order to create awareness among school aged children there are various governmental programs that are working. One such program is of National School Lunch Program. Along with this particular program there are other programs also that are working. The aim of these programs is not to provide education or information about the food and nutrition to the children but to provide financial assistance and setting standards for the meals that are served in different schools (Hoelscher, Evans, Parcel & Kelder, ...
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