Health Finance And Project Management

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Health Finance and Project Management


Business Case

The health education is a process that addresses not only the transmission of health information, but also the develoPMent of motivation, personal skills and self esteem which is necessary to take measures to improve health; it includes information regard to risk factors and risk behaviors, as well as its counterpart (Arrow, 1963). In this busy world, it is not possible for the doctors to go for further studies as people have increase their spending on health care and it is estimated that Healthcare Providers industry is in the growth stage. During the 10 years to 2016, the value that the industry adds to the overall economy is forecast to grow 6.3% per year on average.


To build an online educational facility and animation in a pediatric ward we will be requiring what pedagogical, psychological, organizational, relational need to know and remember? How do you work in a team in a productive manner? Through a comprehensive and structured and by comparison of different situations this online Training package will help doctors to find answers to these questions and more (Middleton B., 1999).

Objectives of the online health education

Understand the issues of health care educational psychology at the hospital.

Reflect on their professional function inside a team physician.

Experiment with techniques and ideas to help the sick child to face hospitalization.

Dealing with other significant national and international experiences


The online course is practical and interactive. For each short theoretical presentation of the argument follow tutorials and simulations. In this way those who participate can compete immediately with specific problems, developing tools and solutions with the group and the teachers. The course was also designed in line with the provisions of Circular no. 353, 7 August 1998 (see paragraph on “in-service training of teachers hospital”), and by ' Art. 35 paragraph a) of the new National Collective Bargaining Agreement (" specific training program on children in the hospital ") and by ' Art. 20 of the CCNI (" training of teachers working in special areas "). Each training session lasts 16 hours spread over two intensive days (usually Saturday and Sunday) (Mällinen S., 2001).


The teachers of the course trainers are accredited by the Association hospital management and in the hospital in UK. They are chosen from among teachers, entertainers, educators with significant experience in the hospital who have pursued the path of “trainer training” provided by the association. The design and preparation of “Children in hospital” has also sought the cooperation and scientific supervision of the Department of Education (Alistair, Woodward & Ichiro, 2000).

Initiative Targets

The course is open to doctor and other staff that are responsible for environmental psycho-socio-educational and the sick child in hospital: the three levels of school teachers, youth leaders, educators, volunteers, and health staff.

Organizing a Local Course

“Children in Hospital” is a comprehensive training package. Schools, hospitals, institutions and associations can organize local sessions of the course. To do so should contact the Association "Play and Study In the Hospital", filling out the ' ...
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