Health Care Workforce

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Health Care Workforce

The Health Care Workforce


Nursing is perhaps one of the best professions in the world. Nurses feel that they are doing something for the society by helping people in difficult times. The advantage of this profession is that one gets a spiritual peace of mind at the end of the day that he cared for mankind.

But it is not so simple to become a nurse. Every nurse needs to have at least one credential as well as experience. Just classroom training is not enough to teach nursing. It's only when they get practical training that they learn. It is a never ending field as each day nurses have to take care of patients with different diseases. They are second to doctors when it comes to curing patients.

In this paper, we will discuss the problem of shortage of nurses and some solutions to this problem.


The lack of medical staff can have serious health consequences by causing profound failures in systems of care. Indeed, the effectiveness of a health care system at the same time depends on the mass of medical personnel and skills. In this context, the care needs of the population cannot be satisfied.

Although most of the nurses are females, males also tend to take up this profession. It all depends on the services that people want to offer to the society. Most of the nurses join this field because they want to do something for humanity, while there is a small percent of people who join because of lack of jobs.

Over the past few years in the U.S. has increased greatly the problem of shortage of health workers. Among the main reasons are the following:

The average age of nurses in the U.S. - more than 50 years;

Reducing the number of graduates of medical institutions by 12% annually;

Reluctance to work in the specialty.

Nursing profession occupies a very important place in the health care system. The first priority is a skilled nursing care and effective care for patients. Over recent years the number of graduates of medical schools I and II levels of accreditation in Ukraine increased, improving the quality of their training, which allows further improve the quality of health services.

U.S. Healthcare operates at a higher technical level, but at the moment is experiencing a great shortage of nurses, and is projected to remain so in the future. This trend is ...
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