Article Analysis

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Article Analysis

Article Analysis: Older women nurses: health, ageing concerns and self-care strategies

Background & significance of the problems

There is a comprehensive introduction in this article. The content of the introduction part is quite informative. An author reveals some facts regarding women participation in the nursing field and how the women's participation has changed over the past years.

According to the author, health Policy and the Nursing Workforce Nurses play a critical role in the health care system thereby directly influencing and being influenced by health policies. The supply and distribution of nurses who are available to provide health care are directly related to workforce participation arid are directly affected by policies influencing that participation. The demand for nurses and nursing services is influenced by the nature of the health care system and the overall demand for health care services. The overall demand for health services and the relationship of this demand to the health care workforce are influenced by both micro level factors such as patient care needs, staffing mix, and macro level factors such as changing demographics, organization of the health care delivery system, and its financing structure (McLaughlin, 1994).

Women's Roles and Workforce Participation Nurses' participation in the workforce is influenced by their roles as a woman, mother, wife, and increasingly as provider. Nursing has always been a female occupation, not only because 94% of all nurses are women, but because of gender role associations said to be primarily involved in tasks judged to be expressive and person oriented, helping, nurturing, and empathizing (Epstein, 1971). The pattern of women's workforce participation has changed over the past 25 years.

Purpose of the study

This study aimed to find out that what strategies are adopted by the older female registered nurses who are working in acute public hospitals.

Ethical issues

The main ethical issue in this research was confidentiality. It can be seen that the author has covered all the ethical issues. For example, all the participants' voluntary participated in this study. Fake name were used for the participants to publish the reports and statistics.


Author herself is practicing older nurse. She had many concern regarding her health, so this fact made her to conduct a qualitative research. The selected approach for this study can cover the requirement of this study. In this study, author has used self-administered interviews to collect data from registered nurses. Semi structure interview is one of the most efficient ways to ...
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