Hammurabi's Laws

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Hammurabi's Laws

Hammurabi's Laws


Civilizations all through history tend to rise for the reason that of a strong, firm leader who unifies his citizens. Hammurabi is one of these people. He came to power and stabilized his mother country which was previously torn by wars. He so effectively ruled his people, that the political and economical stature of his empire rivaled that of the untouched stable Egyptian empire. He established one of the first empires with an effective law code. He ruled and united his people by the use of fear and force. Both were effective in making a barbaric people more civilized1.

Hammurabi made a code of laws called "the Code of Hammurabi". These codes of laws were etched in big stone pillars and put out over all of Mesopotamia for all to see 2.

The upper part of Hammurabi's code of laws

An image of Hammurabi's code of laws

There is one major problem with this. If something would arise in the set of laws then Hammurabi wouldn't be able to change them3. Since they were etched in stone then it would be impossible for them to change the laws.

Explanation of Law 1. “If anyone ensnares another putting a ban upon him but he cannot prove it, then he who ensnared him shall be put to death”.

This law is good in terms of the ones who is trapped for something or lured into something which he is not responsible for then he has the right to ask for justice. Many times it happens that people are trapped into many wrongful and deceitful deeds. These people who are pulled into the mess are ones who are simple and innocent. So according to Hammurabi's law he can gain justice 4.

But nowadays this law can be used against anyone. As the law also says that the one ensnared, if he cannot prove his innocence, the ensnared is given importance therefore anyone nowadays can get the ensnared put to death.

Explanation of Law 2. If anyone buys from the son or a slave of another man without a witness or a contract silver or gold a male or female slave and ox or a sheep and ass or anything or if he takes in charge he is considered a thief and he shall be put to death.

This law is good as it enforces the use of contract, agreement or some sort of guarantee that the buyer has as ...
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