Hammurabi Code

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Hammurabi Code

Part A:

Hammurabi Code is not the legal text is the oldest of humanity, but he is most famous. In addition, it is most remarkable for its scope, legal and social innovations. His descendants, over the ages, are a magnificent testimony to the true personality of the mythical founder of Babylon, Hammurabi (1792 - 1750). Top of this high-arched stone is a relief representation of the Babylonian king, Hammurabi, facing the god of justice and the sun, Shamash. It is a ceremony of investiture. The king receives a very fair divinity insignia of his authority, which means it, can command men, administer and judge them. Shamash holds up a circle and a staff representing the emblems of sovereignty in Mesopotamia. Both characters are clearly recognizable. The god is surrounded by sunshine that illuminates the character and reminiscent of his solar divinity. It sits before the king, bigger, and wears the tiara to four rows of horns, which are the divine attributes. His feet are placed on a pedestal whose decor evokes the Zagros Mountains to the east of Mesopotamia, whose mountain sun god rises every morning.

King of Babylon also has the attributes of his office. He wears the hairstyle and the dress of kings and royal wears a beard. He is standing, facing the divinity. His right hand is raised to the mouth as a sign of respect and devotion. Hammurabi's head is covered with a large cap that leaves off the long curls of the sovereign to his neck. The king is depicted idealized. Like the pharaohs of Egypt, Hammurabi is young and handsome. It depicts the king and builder active in the empire (Kowalski, 2004). Hammurabi reigned long on the throne of Babylon: Forty-three years. During this reign, the king by his ingenuity and diplomatic military force, succeeded in bringing together the entire Mesopotamian world under his power, become centralized around Babylon. At the head of hundreds of thousands of people, rural, urban, customs and morals varied, the king imposed his empire into a single legal code: the Hammurabi Code.

Statute book was written throughout her reign, not only once, allowing the adaptation of the king and his new “subjects” to the community living within the empire. The text is engraved on the copy of the Louvre has 4000 rows with 51 columns. The legislation covers most part (41 columns). The set consists of two distinct literary parties: the prologue and epilogue that frame the laws are written in a more literary form in order to magnify the words of the king. Finally, the laws are written with a more simplified style, tone Director, and dry.

The prologue is an aggrandizement of the king, which explains the decision of the gods for having granted the right to govern men. He is brave, pious and righteous. Hammurabi it registered its history, how it was invested in his role as protector of religion, the weak and the oppressed. In addition, the prestige of the city is narrated as Marduk, patron ...
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