In the ancient world of the Mediterranean by the Romans and Greeks came to the architectural decoration and sculpture according to the desired messages to relay each civilization. The artists produced mixed messages and scenes depicting historical narratives, the virtues of the emperor, the Greek themes and more.
Achievements developed over time allowed for sculptors sculpture and design coordinators to implement the Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic and forms of representation of several different scenes, making the focus of much academic design by allowing the application of certain styles of representation particular, unlike earlier in history when the style of the time applied only to the structures of the time.
While Roman sculpture is clearly very influenced and developed directly from Greek tradition, it is important to note that the Romans undoubtedly developed a visual language.
To understand the relationship between the Greek and Roman architectural sculpture of a careful analysis of the similarities and differences between structures, location of buildings, customers, and themes used by the two worlds of culture visual.
There were a number of types of buildings in which the sculptural decoration was applied by the Romans and Greeks. It is easy to understand why both types of concrete action for the promotion of civilizations because cities and civilizations like today require certain structures to carry out many daily activities. For example, ancient Greek and Roman civilizations built temples to worship gods and carry out certain orders of business as is the church where we pray and celebrate our religious affiliation today. Other structures shared by the Greeks and Romans are the altars and funerary monuments such as the Ara Pacis (Rome) and the Pergamon Altar (Greek). Moreover, there were several types of construction that were specifically Greek or Roman. In Greece, specifically in Delphi, ...