The topic is “What lessons do you think future empires will learn from the different governance styles of the Assyrians and Persians”?
The Assyrians and Persians empires have been one of the biggest kingdoms in the history. First, there will be a description of Assyrian period. In 1365, the period known as Middle Assyrian Period, Assyrians carried out their first major combat in the north western side border of Hatti that was located between Armenia and Zagros Mountains. The succession of the low-scale attacks carried out by the Assyrians was a part of their new strategy to capture humans, horses and other war swags. The Assyrians carried out their second major combat in Babylon during 1210s. The Assyrians enjoyed a great deal of success in the Babylon region and after that they continued their military adventures in other parts of the region which made the army of Assyrian a highly skilled machine. Assyrian conquest spread across the vast area on the eastern side of Babylon and Nineveh was made one of the richest cities in the Ancient World. (Nardo, 2004)
However, the greed of Assyrians was the reason for their downfall. The Babylon and Medes took over the control of the region which Assyrian had under their control. During Assyrian's rule, they were noticed for capturing exiled people. They shifted the majority of population abroad which included Arabians, Babylonians, Israelites and Persians. The policy did not only attempt to restrict the local population to avoid uprisings but to make best use of skills of various people in the administrative department. There were many foreign people who worked for the Assyrians in various professions. The Assyrians were also recognized for their ability in warfare. Some of the wrongdoings by their governance in the administrative ...