Global Warming

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Global Warming


Future global warming has a number of implications for fluvial geomorphology because of changes in such phenomena as rates of evapotranspiration,industrialization, precipitation characteristics, plant distributions, plant stomatal closure, sea levels, glacier and permafrost melting, and human responses. Potential changes in rivers are outlined in this review in the context of changes in the intensity of rainfall, the activity of tropical cyclones, runoff response (including that of Europe, dry lands and high latitude environments), and geomorphological reactions, including rates of soil erosion. In general, however, much work remains to be done to establish the full range of geomorphological responses that may take place in fluvial systems.


Thesis Statement




Industrial Revolution


Governments act Problem

Volcanic Eruptions



Thesis Statement

Fears regarding global warming has waned throughout the world. They no longer view it as much of a problem as they did ten years ago.


Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of Earth's surface. Since the late 1800's, the global average temperature has increased about 0.6 to 1.4 degrees F. Many experts estimate that the average temperature will rise an additional 2.9 to 10.4 degrees F by 2100.


The effects of man, globalization and industrialization on nature are enormous. Global warming is one of the most threatening effects. Scientifically, it is caused by the emissions of heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide, which mainly occurs by the burning of fossil fuels. These gases cover the atmosphere, and keep the heat inside, that temperature rises occur. A warmer world means serious problems to environment.


Another reason for global warming is deforestation. Trees, are an important part of the carbon cycle in nature, as they absorb the free carbon from air, and turn it into fructose, oil acids or protein. When the number of trees in an ecosystem is reduced, the carbon cycle is affected from this. Because trees form an important part of the carbon cycle, as they change the carbon in carbon dioxide into organic compounds.

Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution is one of the axes people have for damaging the nature. After the revolution, agricultural and industrial practices were started. The jobs that are done by human power have started to be done by machines. As a result, people were able to cope with more land; they could grow more crops, or feed more animals by spending the same effort or time they had spent before.


Governments act Problem

The main problem is governments act like there is not a problem at all, even though their countries are in danger also. Netherlands, China, Egypt, Britain are some countries that are in danger on the first hand. But the governments of these countries still do not take any efficient action to stop global warming.

Volcanic Eruptions

When it is obvious that humanity is cutting the branch they are sitting on, it is suitable to say that Axes are all in our heads. H


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