Global Computing Analysis

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Global Computing Analysis

Global Computing Analysis

Global Computing Ltd is a small enterprise company situated in west London.

For the past ten years, the company has been compensating for IT skill shortages by running its own in-house training programmed in conjunction with local schools and further education colleges in the area.

Every three months the company recruits 40 school leavers. The company sponsors the intake through out their twelve-week training course. Global Computing is also committed to offering full or part time employment to those who successfully complete the programmed. For a candidate to successfully pass the training programmed, he or she will have to pass a “Qualification Test “Where the pass marks is 50%.

The scheme has, in the past, been considered to be effective in meeting recruitment needs. However, over the last few years managers have become increasingly concerned about the number of Trainees who do not complete the twelve-week training programmed. The programmed manager was asked to research this issue and report back to a senior management - board meeting.

Data has been collected to identify how many graduates per intake have left before completing the training programmed. The results are listed below:-

Q 1. (a)- Present the data graphically in a suitable and acceptable form. Comment on the number of students not completing the Program.


Many students not completing the program and graph shows the presentation of those students who are not eligible to pass this program.

(b)- Using a suitable model, forecast the number of students, in the remaining quarters of the year 2010, who will successfully complete the company- training program.


In the year 2010, 16 students will be successfully the company training program and it shown in this graph too.

(c)- Comment on your results and the reliability of your chosen model.

As the figure are showing the students' performance and ratio of students ...
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