[Commercialization of military computer networks (US)]
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Networks are at the heart of the military's ability to operate quickly and flexibly at the tactical and strategic levels. The nation's adversaries and rivals know that and constantly target Defense Department networks with a range of attacks. In an age of cyber warfare, the steps to defend military networks are often the same as those needed to protect systems at other federal government agencies and commercial enterprises. Network perimeter security has improved with better firewalls and encryption, but the trend toward cloud computing poses potential problems that might negate those advances. The perimeter is no longer clearly defined; new capabilities make it easier for data to leave the network without security personnel knowing.
Those vitally important networks come in all shapes and sizes-ranging from small and simple, to humongous and super complicated. But whatever their flavor, they all need to be maintained properly and with more of the military information networks steadily evolving with the increase in technology, more of the management and maintaining of these networks are done by commercial contractors employed by the DOD. There is lot of difference between smart card and OMC which is designed to carry large data. The smart card is designed to hold certain essential data only. Modification can be done on individual data type if and when required. This modification will keep the smart card updated as well. Smart card technology has been used by army to produce soldier's readiness processing cards. Updated data for key deploy ability issues like personnel, immunization, legal, finance, medical are contained by the smart card.
Problem Statement2
Research Questions3
Scope and Limitations3
Key Terms4
Global Command and Control System (GCCS)4
Smart Cards (Common Access Cards)5
War fighter Information Network - Tactical or WIN-T6
Defense Information Systems Agency10
Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN10
Use of network in army11
2.1: Urgent Communications, The Source of What's next12
Brookings, HP Holds Navy Network “Hostage” for 3.3 Billion12
Defense, DISA establishment 'demilitarized zone', to enhance network security14
Impact of Security Properties on the Quality of Information in Tactical Military Networks16
Navy Post Graduate School, Consolidated Tactical Network Analysis For optimizing Bandwidth: Marine Corps Support wide Area Network (Swan) and Tcp accelerators17
A Comparative Review of Commercial vs. Tactical Wireless Networks17
DARPA and Raytheon Building New Ad-Hoc Mobile Network for the Military18
CNN, DoD: Civilian contractors in Kuwait didn't have proper clearances19
Executive Summary of the Commercial Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Report19
Global Security ORG: Joint Network Node (JNN)20
Doctrinal Status22
Signal command provides commercial communications in Afghanistan23
Research Design25
Literature Search26
Army Global Network Operations & Security Center (A-Gnosc)28