Gareth Morgan Images of an Organization and Metaphors
Gareth Morgan introduced a new concept called images or metaphors, according to which, these are the building blocks of management theories and practices. Images direct us to the way that helps us in understanding situations. We are directed towards partial ways, which are of great stength (Morgan, 2006).
Morgan has defined metaphor very clearly. He says its a primitive force that makes people derive meaning from one of their experiences, in order to understand another (Morgan, 2006). Metaphor broadens a person's thinking and intensifies one's understanding, which is a great source of viewing things differently and even do thing s differently (Morgan, 2006). In other words, the way things were perceived are changed due to metaphors. Similarly, for developing understanding of organization and management, metaphor can be the most suitbale tool (Morgan, 2006).
Similar situations can be tackled distinctly and hence, different approaches can expand insight. Moreover, metaphors can make people take those steps, which could have never been thought to be implemented in past (Morgan, 2006).
Metaphors are highly significant for understanding some characteristics of organizations. However, metaphor are sometimes biased and can lead to wrong decisions and actions (Morgan, 2006). They do create insight, but also misrepresents at some points. There are different metaphors that best describe organizations. These are termed as metaphors or images of organizations (Morgan, 2006). The organizational metaphors are vital for determining the perspective of people about their organizations, whihc also puts an impact they way people in organization people work and make decisions ( Metaphors shape our thinking.
Gareth Morgan Conceptual Aspects of Images in Organizational Environment
Morgan has provided a direction for the managers with his famous innovative images and metaphors. This is for assisting managers to enhance their view about their organizations. He diverts the mind of managers to identify their organizations with a certain metaphor that fits in, according to the organizational environment.
Assembling insights of distinct metaphors, gives managers the idea how to better manage and design organizations in different ways. The managers are able to grasp new understandings of relationships between organization and environment. Further, a learning environment in organizations is likely to be developed, with the living brain intelligence. Insights of metaphors, helps in discovering the ins and outs of corporate culture and organizational politics. This also helps in translating the suggestions of latest discipline of chaos and complexities into management strategies. Above all, it develops the ability to tackle with the negative effects that organizations may have on society.
According to Morgan, organizations seek to shape their environments as their extension. The issues that come across regarding the environment are sometime linked to such attempts, in order to sustain their identity (Lambert, 2009). The organization's growth must consider factors that hold organization as well as environment. Viewing the environment as a different entity, might put the organization into serious destruction (Lambert, 2009).
Theories of Imagery Approach Exposed to Organizations
Metaphor is a helpful and important imagery tool used by ...