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What's a good thing that pops into mind when you think of gangs? I bet most of you here can't really imagine anything positive about gangs huh? That's mainly because of the media here today. We don't usually hear or see gangs having a positive effect on society. All we see or hear are negative effects that gangs promote especially on TV, magazines, and newspapers. But let me get more to that later. Gangs have been and will always be a part of society; they have in one form or another been around for hundreds of years (Hamlin, 1998). For example pirates were in some way or another form of an organized gang. The groups that traditionally come to mind when one thinks of modern day gangs are the Crisp and the Bloods from California, and the people folk originating from Chicago. The origins of the Crisp and Bloods can be traced to the late 60's, and the gang culture is so ingrained on the west coast that many families have three and even four generations of gangsters residing in the same residence ( The people Folks started out in the late 70 and early 80’s Depending on whose figures you listen to (some officials have a tendency to downsize the numbers). As of January, 1993, L.A. gangs set's numbered between 800 and 1000, with anywhere from 120,000 to 220,000 members. These numbers are often debated, and depending on whose criteria are used to decide who is and is not a gang banger. The figures could be considerably higher. This paper will elaborate on some of the facts surrounding Juvenile gangs (Hamlin, 1998).

Over the past several years we have seen an increase in the number of juvenile crimes and juveniles joining organized gangs. These juveniles are not only joining at a younger age but are committing more violent crimes then there antecedent. What makes these young men and women decide to participate in the violent and often deadly crimes of gangs? Why would a youngster be so eager to submit he or herself to the torture of initiation or risk there life by having sex with a known person that's HIV positive? Although varies regions of the country may have different meanings or definition for the term "gang member" a good description for a gang can be found in the November 1991 issue of school safety update published by Pepper dine University's National School Safety Center, it defines a gang as "A group of three or more individuals with a unique name, identifiable marks or symbols, who clam a territory or turf, associate on a regular basis, and engage in criminal or anti social behavior" ( Basically juvenile gangs can be placed in one of three categories; however they can often exhibit traits of a combination of the three.

Relatively permanent group that hangs out at a specific location, Members develop a sense of comradeship and often engage in organized group activities, Members include the most stable youths in the neighborhood ...
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