Freedom Of Speech

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Freedom of speech


In this paper we have expanded our boundaries of knowledge by exploring the topic Freedom of speech in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on Hate speech; the research also analyzes many aspects of Freedom of speech and tries to gauge the effect of Hate Speech in online forums. Finally the research describes the governance of hate speech practices in United States.

Table of Contents



Hate Speech2

Discussion and Analysis3

Hate speech in Online Forums3

Hate Speech Legislation in United States4

Hate Speech & Human Rights6



Freedom of Speech


The most important factor that contributes towards maintaining the democratic environment of any nation is the right to freedom of speech. In today's liberal environment, the notion of freedom of speech is considered as a civil right of every person, to speak up, to stand up, either against the bad or in favor of the good. The advent of technology in the field of electronic media has further amplified the subject of freedom of speech. The emergence of the internet has also magnified the scope of speech liberalization. Today, people can talk, share their views, comment, or criticize through thousands of different online forums, social networking websites etc. The discipline that is most affected by freedom of speech is Politics. Print and electronic media are amongst the major contributors in exposing the real faces or black sheep in Politics. Through the freedom of media, we are now able to analyze all aspects of certain political issue. The freedom of media has made it easy for us to draw lines between “what is white” and “what is black”. The freedom of expression is also supported by association of human rights. According to international human right law, everyone has the right to speak and express without anyone's intrusion. Secondly, no one is allowed to force anybody not to express their feelings, ideas, comments etc. (Robertson, 2004, p.16). Either the freedom of speech is related to media or public, both are equally important in shaping and maintaining the democratic and liberal environment around the world.

Hate Speech

The policies of liberalization across different nations have encouraged both the media and public to open up and to be liberal in order to stand up for their rights. Hate speech is speech that degrades an individual or group on grounds such as race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or sexual orientation. Sometimes referred to as group libel, hate speech often takes the form of vilification of a group because all members are claimed to share invidious characteristics. Hate speech raises difficult issues because history has shown that many programs, repressions, genocides, and racist behaviors begin with verbal libels targeted against vulnerable groups. Thus, a society committed both to freedom of speech and to equal opportunity must wrestle with the challenge posed by racist, sexist, and other phobic speech (Nemes, 2002, p. 193). Hate speech is distinct from hate crime, which consists of a criminal act motivated by bias against the victim's race, ethnicity, gender, and so ...
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