Fluid Mechanics

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Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics


This assignment will aim to discuss the different aspects of fluid mechanics. The core objective of this assignment will be to include an experiment report would be providing a study related to the use of pipe stand test facility as well as the measurement systems which would include venturi to measure the low rates and how the pilot probes can be used to calculate the velocity of air. At the end of the report the reader would be able to calculate the flow rate that is being measured through the pressure difference. The core objective of this assignment is also to identify the properties of the pipe as well as the meter parameters by appropriate usage of the equations for venturi meters. Another objective of this assignment is to explore the measurement devices of the pipe flow.




Pipe Flow Measurement devices5

Pressure flow meters5

Velocity flow meter5

Experimental Procedure6

Venturi Meter8

Pitot Static Tube10

Static pressure13

Stagnation pressure13

Dynamic Pressure13

Calculation of Flow rate from Velocity profile16




Fluid Mechanics


The experiment report would be providing a study related to the use of pipe stand test facility as well as the measurement systems which would include venturis to measure the ow rates and how the pitot probes can be used to calculate the velocity of air. The report would also show how to measure the flow rate, velocity profiles in pipes along with the measurement uncertainties.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the report the reader would be able to

Calculate the flow rate that is being measured through the pressure difference, the properties of the pipe as well as the meter parameters by appropriate usage of the equations for venturi meters.

Determine what ISO pressure tap locations are being used for the meter.

Calculate the orifice coefficient, Co for the pipe diameter and the mentioned orifice and the properties of air

Estimate the density of the specified air gas at the given temperature and pressure through Ideal Gas equation

Know the applications of the flow meter

Pipe Flow Measurement devices

The different types of measuring devices that are used for the pipe flow are the

Pressure flow meters

The pressure flow meters include the venture meter, the flow nozzle meter and the orifice meter.

Velocity flow meter

The velocity flow meter mainly uses the pitot tubes that would be used in the experiment

Experimental Procedure

The velocity and the temperature navigate the assembly. The Pitot tube would be plotted to cross the diameter of the pipe. The position of the Pitot tube can directly be measured from a combined vernier caliper and a linear scale. The use of the Pitot tube is to measure the stagnant pressure only. The linked static pressure is being seen at the tapping point at the wall of the pipe. The difference that is obtained between the two points can be calculated by a manometer that is attached on the panel and can be used to measure the velocity in the points along the plane. The temperature of the air can be observed through a thermocouple that is located in the Pitot tube at the back of ...
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