The use of information technology in daily life is common to all Americans. This use is so common that Americans use computers with quite fluency. This fluency however means that they are computer literate. Fitness in Information technology refers to being fluent in information technology. It means that the person should be able to apply the concepts related to information technology in his work routine as well as his everyday life. Some of the most important elements of Fitness are Command over fundamental concepts, Intellectual capability of the person and Command over contemporary skills.
Fitness in Informational Technology
Fitness in Information technology refers to being fluent in information technology. The name fitness in Informational technology is often associated with the notion of computer literacy. In reality, fitness in information technology is so much more than that. Literacy means being familiar with computers, knowing how to operate it, and having little know how of the parts of the computers such as understanding of the web browsers, word processor etc.
Fitness in information technology extends beyond this (FIT, 2010). It means that the person should be able to apply the concepts related to information technology in his work routine as well as his everyday life. The person must know when information technology will help him achieve his objectives, and when the use of the same will impede his achievement of his goals.
Difference between literacy and fitness in information technology
The use of information technology in daily life is common to all Americans. This use is so common that Americans use computers with quite fluency. This fluency however means that they are computer literate. For instance, Americans use computers to shop online, pay their bills, search for recipes to cook home and destinations to go to during the summer holiday. This is mere internet surfing and does not require any specific skill. Hence, this type of use of computers may be regarded as computer literacy (USU, 2012).
More and more jobs in the US now require computer related tools. This is common in construction, design, medicine, architecture and many others. These tools however, and the knowledge needed to use them for efficient job performance is not common knowledge. This comes under fitness in information technology as the tools are complicated and may even require training for the user to be able to use all the utilities of a certain information technology system.