Felons Discrimination

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Felons Discrimination

Felons Discrimination

Outline of the Study

The purpose of this study is to give an overview of how felon are discriminated on a daily basis. I believe that it should be ILLEGAL to discriminate solely because of the stigma of the label EX FELON (Ratliff 2006). Ex-Felons are people and would just like to reintegrate back into society and live an honest and upright life with the right to employment without having to check the infamous box which says, “Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" Not all those who have been convicted are ANIMALS as portrayed by the justice system; therefore some of us need NOT be categorized with revolving door criminals.

Felon exclusion laws impact not only individuals, but also communities, according to a University of Missouri-Columbia law professor. By their suppressive nature, the legal statutes, which vary from state to state, have devastating socio-economic, political and legal effects on African-American communities nationwide, he contends.

"Most felons come from particular communities - lower socio-economic status communities and primarily communities of colour," said S. David Mitchell, associate professor of law. "The problem is that upon release, if you send that large percentage back into those communities, you're adding an increased layer of problems to a community that's already suffering (Michael 2005). What you're sending back are voiceless and powerless individuals. Thus, the economic and political power of the community is limited."


In his article, "Undermining Individual and Collective Citizenship: The Impact of Exclusion Laws on the African-American Community," to be published this month in the Fordham Urban Law Journal, Mitchell discussed exclusion laws that prohibit convicted elons from exercising a host of legal rights - most notably the opportunity to vote. In addition to suffrage, which is most commonly debated among scholars and legal experts, Mitchell advocates that upon completion of their sentences, ex-felons should have all of their rights restored - especially those associated with social services; public and private employment; the opportunity to serve on a jury; and privilege to hold public office. He said restoration should take place without requiring burdensome processes or financial restitution, which are required in some states (Jamie 1998).

"When ex-felons have finished their time, they should have all of their rights automatically restored," Mitchell said. "Now, my detractors would say, 'Does that mean if someone is convicted of a sex offence crime, they should be allowed to hold a job in an education-related field?' No ... there are conditions; however, a greater relationship between the nature of the offence and the restrictions being applied should exist."

In examining the issue, Mitchell said his goal was to explore the "entire notion of citizenship and what it really means to be a United States citizen." He concluded the restoration of a cadre of rights is just as important as the right to vote (Christopher 2000). Restrictions only limit the quality of life and impede the successful re-entry of individuals attempting to re-establish themselves in their communities.

"Most people tend to focus solely on the denial of the right ...
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