Federal Government's Role In Law Enforcement

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Federal Government's Role in Law Enforcement

Federal Government's Role in Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officers have a very important role in society. They have a job that involves lots of decision making and using personal judgment.

Law officers have many duties while at work. Law officers have to decide whether or not someone is breaking the law and how they will enforce the situation. Law officers are sometimes expected to be perfect. They have to catch all the bad guys and save all the innocent. Unfortunately it doesn't always work that way but officers try to do the best of their ability. All officers are different in that some are more strict and you can't get away with as much, and others are very laid back and you are apt to get a way with more. I believe all officers should be strict when it comes to safety issues, and people's health is at risk. I also believe officers should try and teach you what is against the law before you are punished, like warnings should be issued when no one is in harms way. Some officers think they are immortal when they put on a badge, sometimes officers forget what they're there for and go too far. There are many cases when people have been falsely abused by officers for no reason.

All people have rights, even when you have committed a crime. You are read your rights when you get arrested and no one can take those rights away from you. If an officer violates those rights, you will probably win you case because of it. I think the laws and rules citizens have to follow are reasonable. To run a country successfully, you need to have laws that cover everything. People also need to educate themselves on what the laws are. (Bonikowski, 2003)

In this country, you are innocent until proven guilty. Everyone also has a right to a trial before a jury when you have been accused of a crime. Each case obviously has its own circumstances, and that's why everyone gets a trial. I think the more serious the crime, the less "space" or freedom you have. Obviously there are different penalties for speeding and murder. They say the crime should fit the punishment. I think the penalties in this country are very fair. I don't think to many people get off too easy or too harshly. I believe the punishment system is pretty accurate in this country. I think a lot of federal government work is just plain old confidence. Criminals are going to take the state federal government more seriously than the federal government in a little town in the middle of nowhere. Law enforcement officers have a bad reputation of being fat, out of shape, eating donuts, sitting at a desk and so on.

Some officers you see are definently out of shape but they might have great knowledge in the field of law ...
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