Arizona Vs. United States

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Arizona vs. United States

Background of the Case

Arizona vs. United States was a United States Supreme Court case which involved the Arizona Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act. The issue was whether the law displaces the federal government's authority to Arizona legislature S.B. 1070 was retained in 2010 to address the serious issue in relation to large number of illegal immigrants. The act made it a state criminal offense for an illegal immigrant to reside in Arizona without having the appropriate documents required by the government. The law authorized state and local law enforcement agencies of central immigration law to take action against those who sheltered, hired and transported illegal immigrants. The passing of the law raised concerns over potential civil right violations and would encourage the practice of racial discrimination. Thousands of people protested in more than 70 cities, with 25,000 people present at one protest in Dallas and 10,000 people were present in Chicago and Milwaukee, other cities also displayed a trend of such numbers. The main problem that the enforcement of the law would create a problem of racial profiling and racism. The law enforcement agencies, and employers who would have to have much stricter filtering processes to make sure that they do not hire illegal immigrants. The employers might not even consider the applications of immigrants in order to stay away from the trouble in the first place. The case raises significant questions taking into account the role of the state in the enforcement of federal immigration laws.

About the Book

The book “Law's Dream of A Common Knowledge” by Mariana Valverde seeks to understand the development of a social and legal path of legal information. It aims at finding the unofficial and evidences based on common sense, developed and used by the caretaker s of law. The main theme of the book is the formation of law and the challenges. The book discusses cases, works of judges and lawyers in different points in time. The author takes a look at applications of knowledge where ther is power. The author tries to seek the areas where the law has been problematic as the workings of the law cannot be generalized. Foe every field and situation there is a different rationale as to what happened and how it was dealt with. The book gives examples of gender and racial discriminations. The case that is at hand between the United States and the state of Arizona is also based on similar lines. The case can raise the issue of ethnic problems and the frameworks of the book that can be applied to the aspects of the case are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Common Sense

Mariana Valverde's book “Law's Dream of a Common Knowledge”, is a study of the current knowledge underlying the law and the way it operates. In Chapter No.3 of the book, the author talk about how the notion of common sense is used to identify the deviants, references are given to cases such as Bill Clinton and Monica ...
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