The hotel and resort industry currently has an essential role in the world economy as it is contributing materially to the creation of jobs and consequently resulting in the increased flow of circulation of wealth. It thereby causes a rise in per capita income and generation of foreign exchange. In this context, the hotel industry in Malaysia is one of the segments of fastest growing economy in recent years. However, with respect to this industry, some intrinsic problems have been observed. These are with regards to lack of professionals, lack of administration and hand labor without specialization. The structural imbalance in the supply of hotel units will give problems to market information systems and will lack strategic planning (Hooker, 2007).
The entire region of Malaysia stands out receiving a large number of tourists who arrive for the purpose of leisure. These results in the increasing of foreign exchange through export of products related to regional culture such as handicrafts and popular beliefs through music and local customs and culinary (Hooker, 2007).
The vision of the Le-Meridian Hotel is to ensure the provision of services at a good level and be accessible to ensure the leisure of the customers through the availability of newer products.
Brief Market Research
Problem identification
Aiming to meet the needs of the new market, increasingly demanding quality and adequacy of services, the concept of hotel business, which until recently stood only in large and rich cities is extending to far away cities, the Le-Meridian Hotel seeks to overcome all these challenges, This hotel in Kuala Lumpur will have the computer, the Internet and fax in their premises, as the priority functionality is the major requirement of guests, thus confirming a strong demand for this type of midrange hotels. Each hotel and resort needs to have as its main purpose to provide a good level service, with rates of more accessible products. Some specific actions can be taken by aiming at the hotel segment, good structuring of environments, ensuring a comfortable stay and satisfaction among the customers (Shellenberger, 2006).
Objective for setting to determine the demands-achievement
The deployment of hotels has different characteristics and objectives as compared to other industries. Among these are the presences of various stakeholders who can influence directly in the configuration of the project. Another feature is the concentration of procurement processes, especially at the end of its deployment phase, due to the need to provide resources that are specific to that type of development and necessary for entering into operation. Hence, there is a need to develop a feasibility report before engaging in any investments in hotels.
This study aims to determine the feasibility of implementing a new hotel project in any city of America, specifically in the cities that have a lot of potentially attractive tourist sites. It is noteworthy that, at certain times of the year, the demand of tourists in some region is very intense, and that existing hotels fail to account for all the public demand. This causes many people to stop going to such places for lack of leisure ...