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The belief in fatalism

'If fatalism is true it does not make any sense to say that something 'might' happen.'


The world has reached the zenith of advancement in every facet of life. Science and technology has deeply penetrated into the lives of people in every part of the world and nowadays, people believe in the old age adage which says that 'seeing is believing'. Even in this age of technological advancement, there are people who believe in superstitions like, belief on fatalism which greatly influences their lives. Some people find the concept of fatalism to be absolutely nonsensical, while others still firmly adhere to it and believe that everything happens to them in accordance with their fate. People who believe in fate are often driven by the element of doubt about future happenings. But the argument is that, if fatalism is true, why is there always an element of doubt present in every thought that people perceive? Why does the word “might” occur when one has a firm belief on faith? This essay is an attempt to find that.

What is fate?

Fate is a belief which ascertains that there is a power of thoughts which controls all the happenings of life and it is inevitable to resist this power, and it would ultimately derive a person towards his destiny. This means that the idea of fate has an overpowering affect on a person's mind and consequently, their actions and behavior. Those who believe in the concept of fatalism believe that fate has the ability to exert complete control over a person and that person has no capacity to alter their fate. Believers of fatalism maintain that fate is predetermined and there is nothing in a person's life that happens accidentally. To them, everything that they do has already been decided by a superior power. Although it has been proven that the human mind has the capacity to overcome any hurdles in life by exercising one's rationale and will power, and an amalgamation of a person's will power and their intellect can make them decide their own destiny. Those who do not believe in fatalism consider that a man's will power is so stronger that it can counter all hurdles that come in their way. Non believers of fatalism also establish that fate is nothing but an obstacle that cannot be discarded from a person's life easily. They believe that there ...
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