Fashion And Modernism

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Fashion and Modernism

Fashion and Modernism


Modernism is a cultural and artistic movement dominated by the subjective concept of beauty that for originality. Escape the symmetry, inspired by the world of fantasy and nature, and all that is waving and fleeting. That is why the main line is the curve of Modernism.

This contemporary renewal called Modernism and contemporary art, born in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It is a movement from Europe, but Latin American consecration occurs approximately three decades of the nineteenth century and the first two of the twentieth century. Modernism as such, born in Belgium from the hand of Van de Velde and Victor Horta (Kolocotroni, Goldman &Taxidou 1998, p. 331). The latter made an aesthetic program, built the house Tassel, and used the iron as an essential material in the structure and decoration. Victor Horta renewed the design of internal spaces and the facades of iron. Meanwhile, Henry Clemens Van de Velde (1863-1957) is one of the early modernists. The artist builds the house Bloemenwert, but more interesting is the design of your decor. It has influences of expressionism, German, and are typical corrugated roofs.

The widespread dissatisfaction with the eclecticism, the alternative presented by the Arts and Crafts movement, and the name architects increasingly use new materials with a complete freedom, are some of the factors that influence the emergence of Modernism. Artists create in this common own expressive language, with a strong individuality, while difficult to observe a common ideology for all. However, if they share some aspects as the desire to create new forms and released, and the baggage of half a century of technological achievements. With Modernism is to break with Romanticism and historicism own time (Ayers 2004, p. 129).

Modernism is a series of trends in culture, resulting from changes in Western society during the nineteenth and twentieth century. Usually the movement is the feeling that the "old" patterns in art, literature, religion, philosophy and society become obsolete or are not suitable for the new configuration of the world at that time. There are many discrepancies in definitions, but these points I believe are central.

In the visual arts, call modernism to works made during 1860 and 1970, associated with a break with past traditions of form, and a spirit of experimentation. In the literature, some refer to Kant the first modernism. Highlights Darwin, Karl Marx, Flaubert, Eliot, Virginia Woolf, etc. Some even separate the modernism of "postmodernism." A very broad topic, but with this you get the idea (George, Sproles and Burns 2004, p. 13).

Modernism is a term used in the field of art. It is the taste for modern things that despise the old. The term, used in reference to different movements, especially the power of artistic renewal that took place between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in Europe and Latin America. This movement, but in other languages, called Art Nouveau, Jugendstil and modern style, for example. In each country, otherwise, modernism had its own ...
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