Family Law

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Family Law

Family Law

Family Law


Dollie Jenkins has approached Annie Griffith to assist her with a family issue that she is undergoing. The issue that she is facing is with regards to domestic violence issues because of her partner, Frank Davies. The two were in a relationship for five years, and initially Jenkins lived in her own flat. However, the two decided to purchase a new house together after which she sold it. When the house was being purchased, Jenkins did not get the loan for mortgage because she did not have a job. Therefore, she paid the whole deposit of £60,000, after which she did not make any contributions because soon after that she gave birth to their son who was named William. Jenkins did not work even after giving birth to the baby and now the baby boy was four years of age. The issue that she has been facing with Frank is because of the changes in his behaviour that she has observed since the last six months. This was significantly because of the increase in the consumption of alcohol. On night after he returned, he had argument with Jenkins during which he punched her in the face that resulted in a black eye. Despite the fact that William did not witness the whole incident, he overheard everything because of which he was upset. Soon after this incident, Jenkins reported the police who attended the house immediately, and they asked Frank to leave the house overnight. Moreover, the police also suggested Jenkins to seek legal advice. Jenkins wished to remain in the house; however she did not want Frank to return. Since Frank had left the house, he sent some text messages to Jenkins in which he stated that he will return back to “his house” and she cannot stop him from having contact with William. However, Jenkins did not want him to contain William only because of the incident that took place and because of Frank's drinking habit.

Background of the Case

Jenkins and Frank are living as a couple but the two are not married. Today, the treatment with regards to the couples who are unmarried and family law has become important. This is because there has been an increase in unmarried cohabitation, however, the states vary. Previously, the unmarried couples who lived together had stable relationships in the long-run and they were deemed to be married. However, the law of marriages has become less popular since the 19th century and common law marriages are recognized by the states. The states encourage the unmarried couples to marry and this is because marriage is considered as something that has a stabilizing influence. Moreover, it also solves the administrative matters. Marriage also does not create difficulties for the state to know the couples who are married and those who are not. This enables them to know who to give the benefits and obligations of marriage.

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