Fairy Tales Do Contribute To Our Individual And Cultural History

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Fairy tales do contribute to our individual and cultural history


Our beliefs are a fundamental part of our lives. What we believe gets manifested, our thoughts are orders to be obeyed and we will see their reflection in our life experiences. If a person thinks about fear, deprivation, indifference and failures to act as a magnet for them. It keeps pulling them naturally, instantly becoming an immediate reality.

Virtual reality has eliminated the boundary between reality and unreality. It is not in this case the impossibility of separating the real and what is not, but the dissemination of the boundaries between them. The wide range of possibilities it offers, has facilitated the establishment of a status of reality, based mainly on three aspects (William, 548).

Virtual reality gets shared with others. Generally focuses on interpersonal interaction, which despite not occur in the same space-time, if it is perceived as a collective act.

He has a close relationship with the physical world because of their interrelation and mutual influence.

Is interconnected with artistic production, and that becomes a more motivated aesthetic creation.

Thesis Statement

Fairy tales do contribute to our individual and cultural history. They are providing us with a “virtual” history (with a sense of a past).

Fairy tales are the best way to mould a person cognitive behavior. Fairy tale is one of the ancient and at the same time on most effective tool for education and development. During their history, the fairy tales gets changed considerably, but the demand for them still remained the same. Fairy tales have a huge role in a child's development.

Fairy tale association with a distinctive personality

The meaning of fairy tales was predicted by the poets, like Kant and Rousseau and writers like Shakespeare, Lessing and Klopstock. The topics covered in the time concerned the relationship between animal nature and the spirituality of man, the tragic art, dignity, beauty, poetry, etc., which greatly influenced the writings and subsequent studies (Campbell, 554).

Children are the greatest dreamers who ever known universe. Their dreams are limitless, because it relates to the conventions and knowledge of how the world works. The children's fantasy anything is possible: and flying on a broomstick, and passing through the wall and becoming who and what you like anything.

Like in the early stories of grim brothers the basic personality development gets related to being pious, well mannered well behaved and listening to parents. In the stories like Cinderella and Snow white of Grimm brothers stated the same.

These things relate directly to the topic of our conversation. Search area of the application of their strength, their talents, their abilities hidden until then - is the work of our imagination, and only then, when the fantasy created this image, which begins to draw us irresistibly, we start to trim it and create an image of this dream, and that dream is the very direction that we look for. That is our task - to remember or afford to realize his dream, which is a single thread pulled from the past, from childhood, in the ...
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