2.5 Works on the Translation of Children's Literature12
2.6 Pinocchio: Summary of the Plot14
1.1 Introduction
This chapter provides an idea about the main problem which the research wants to focus on analysing the translated children's literature. Translating stories has been a very difficult task, requiring high level of concentration and understanding about the language in which the content is written and the language in which it needs to translated. This research focuses on describing the problem statement, what the purpose of conducting this research is, and what is its significance? Furthermore, this chapter includes research questions and brief description about what methodology would be employed in this research. . It also contains description about the purpose for conducting the research in this aspect, the research question on which the study will be based, and the hypothesis which are going to be tested through this research. It further covers significance of the research, and the limitations that are going to be faced by the researcher.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Most of the children start their adventurous journey of literary stories, long before they even learn how to actually read the scripted literature. They get to hear these stories read aloud by their family members. Their literary reading adventures begin from the time they start going to schools where they are passed on from the hands of caregivers to the hands of the actual literary leaders. There, these children get to recognize the concepts and the words, realizing that there is a whole world of story books and stories that are specially written for them. This world, known as children's literature, contributes to a large portion of their culture.
Children's literature has been a topic of research, study and scientific inquiry for more than two centuries; the field lacks neither in materials nor in scholars (Anthea, 2006). However, children's literature in translation has been engulfed in a question mark and only small portions of it have been examined. Translating children's literature into Arabic language and telling them to Arab children not only poses linguistic issues but also cultural problems, related to foreign names, western customs, cultural references, and various types of social, ideological and cultural factors in that distinctively exist in the English and the Arab cultures. This becomes even more challenging for the translator due to the specificity of the children. This research has focused on analysing the importance of translations in the literary world of children's literature, analysing these translated novels in terms of lexical, grammar, and cultural aspects. Furthermore, the research will focus on the translation of the stories of Pinocchio.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The main purpose for conducting this research is to draw attention to ...