Failure Of Democracy

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Failure of Democracy in Egypt

Failure of Democracy in Egypt


The failures of Egyptian governance occurred through three different eras: monarchy and the liberal experiment, the era of Egypt's reopening to the West and Arab socialism under Presidents Hussni Mubarak and Anwer Sadat. In association with a huge Egyptian security and military establishment, these failures indicate that the authoritarian government of Egypt used and served the security and military measures to restrict a significant transformation of the political system. The failure of democratic governance offers criticism for moderates and Islamic militants and to the common Egyptian citizens simultaneously. Moreover, the growth of public and political maturity is also inhibited by these failures. In 1999, the government of Egypt entered into a fake agreement with the Islamic militants' party, which is believed to be the most troublesome for it. Nevertheless, the militants continued to cause violence again through novel sources during the period of 2003 to 2006.

As stated by Zuhur (2007), “All of the previously held conclusions about the role of state strength versus movements that led to the truce are now void as it appears that “Al-Qa'idism” may continue to plague Egypt, and indeed, the region as a whole. In consequence, an important process of political liberalization was slowed, and in 3 to 4 years, if not sooner, Egypt's political security and stability will be at risk.” Moreover, the ongoing support for moderate Islamism can lead to such circumstances where there will be no signs of peace, until a detailed settlement for peace to the Palestinian- Arab-Israeli conflict is accomplished combined with other significant factors (Ibrahim, 1996).


History of Egyptian Politics

In the past thousands of years Egypt has been one of the most innovative countries. Egypt has accomplished feats that have never been known to man. The great pyramids of Giza, etc. have all been done by the people of Egypt. However over the past hundreds of centuries Egypt seems to be missing one thing and that is Democracy. Why is it that Egypt has never yet been able to obtain democracy? When searching for this answer one must consider the evolution of Egypt's political system throughout history. Egypt has not been able to obtain democracy because of the dominance of one main political party, and the lack of a fair electoral system. In order to, understand how democracy has evaded Egypt for such a long time one must first look at the start of Egypt's Independence and presidential system (Tamir, 2000).

The Egyptian Revolution

The Revolution Egypt had just gone through abolished the ruling monarchy but did not form a democracy. The new constitution of Egypt had no signs of any type of democracy. The new constitution was drafted in January 1956 and called for a single-party system, The Nationalist Union. This party would provide a nominee for the presidential election which would then have to be approved by the majority of the public. One of the key components of a democracy is a multi-party system, which the new ...
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