Exploring Another Cultures

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Exploring Another Cultures

Exploring Another Cultures


Exploring culture is something related to the people who make a difference. Difference can be of various sorts like cultural differences or human differences. A Huge Number of differences gives an organization the edge to consume conflicting ideas from different minds to accomplish one goal. People from different mindsets in one place or one room can achieve whacking things than a workplace filled with individuals with same mindsets. Diversity can be a difference in sex, qualification and marital status.

Diversity also called into question the certainty that believers could accord their religion. Ideas are most convincing when they are universally shared. The elaboration of alternatives provides a subtle but profound challenge. Believers need not fall on their swords when they find that others disagree with them. Where clashes of ideologies occur in the context of social conflict or when alternatives are promoted by people who need not be seriously entertained, the cognitive challenge can be dismissed. Nonetheless, diversity undermines the sense of inevitability.

Cultural Diversity in the United States: A Critical Reader is an unparalleled compilation of modern-day compositions composed by some of anthropology's most celebrated academic intellectuals-from all over the field - on the fundamental subject of ethnic variety in America. The subscribers to this milestone vital reviewer reconsiders variety, multiculturalism, and individuality politics, and offers key instruments for the study and interpretation of vital governmental matters in America today.

Cultural Diversity

A source of cultural diversity is the coexistence, within a particular State. More than one nation, where "nation" means an ancient community, more or less institutionally complete, occupying a territory or a particular homeland and sharing a language and a different culture. The idea of "nation" in the sociological sense is closely connected with the idea of "people" or "culture". (Layne, 2002)

The U.S. is an exceptional example of the coexistence of many cultures into a single cultural space. Although it should be noted as a fact that culturally heterogeneous America differs from any other culturally diverse country primarily because of the fact that the U.S. has no state that belongs exclusively to one ethnic group, but represents the formation of many coexisting ethnic communities. Prerequisite for the formation of the program of multiculturalism was a "revolution" of civil rights, which was adopted by the "Civil Rights Act" in 1964. It weakened the whole Anglo-Saxon domination in the U.S., as well as the "Immigration Act" in 1965, unleashing a huge influx of U.S. immigrants from Third World countries. (Williams, 2007)

Key Issues Related to Cultural Diversity in the US

The key issues related to cultural diversity are discrimination and racism. Around the world, discrimination and gender bias are obstacles to the full development and full participation of women as compared to men. The women do not enjoy the same opportunities as their male counterparts. Their basic rights are denied, and conditions for sustainable human development are not fulfilled. It is vital for the future, that women assume responsibilities within their family, their community and, increasingly, on their workplace ...
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