Cultures and traditions are different for every ethnic and nation. Belong react the way from where they belong. In today's modern world the significance of cultural and traditional values has gained more importance than ever. Now, the world has become a global village. Therefore, the need to retain and promote culture and tradition has augmented as well. The cultural and traditional values of a society give it an identity of its own. In past, we have observed that societies who haven't protected and extended their culture and tradition have disappeared in time. In this paper, we have compare and contrast the cultural traditions, religious beliefs, and education systems of two countries.
Attention Getting Statement
West and east are two different parts of the world. People and countries in them are different in many ways. Therefore, we have taken one country from east and one from west to compare. They are different in every way whether their behavior, living style, beliefs, body language, dressing style etc.
Thesis Statement
This paper is exploring the difference of cultural values and traditions between USA and India. We have evaluated their education system, marriage customs and religion in detail.
The India has been one of the main places of learning for thousands of years, dating back to ancient seats of learning like Nalanda. India, despite being a developing country, has set challenges and educational initiatives, one of the main concepts in primary education, are to achieve 100% literacy (Dewey, 2000). The country has a tution system where students go after colleges. They also take tuitions in schools. They have metric and intermediate board system where all students of the country have to attend the same exam.
Education in the United States largely state-controlled and funded at three levels: the federal government, the authorities of state and local authorities (Eric, 2008). There is a public school system. Higher education institutions are mostly private, which attract students and graduate students from around the world. The level of literacy in the U.S. - 97%, but according to Census 2003, only 84.6% of people 25 years and older had high school education, 27.3% had a degree of bachelor (Webb, 2010). They have a high school system which includes 1 to 12 classes. After that, they go to colleges or universities. They do not have a board system. Exams are taken in ...