Evaluation Of The Research Techniques

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Evaluation of the Research Techniques

Evaluation of the Research Techniques

What is the difference between research and program evaluation? How would you query the CEO to learn if a research project or a program evaluation would be more appropriate?

Scientific research activities include basic research, which undertake to create new knowledge independently of application prospects. The benefit of this research is difficult to quantify, at least in the short term, the effectiveness of the effort is difficult to measure. In modern societies, where research effort is funded not by the personal fortune of researcher or patrons, but by the State or private companies, a strong need to evaluate the effectiveness of basic research is appeared (Boulmetis & Dutwin, 2005).

Program evaluation is an analytical tool or procedure designed to measure the direct effects, efficacy and long-term consequences of government programs, sectoral policies, assessment, and development programs, projects, voluntary sector, corporate programs. Accordingly, the benchmarking study is an interdisciplinary study using economic, sociological, political science methods in accordance with the recognized open standards (guidelines) of national and international societies for evaluation.

Main problem of estimation is to predict the possible consequences of the results of the state program, the impact of the bill (under development); and to provide feedback (the so-called accompanying research). It also assesses the extent to which the objectives; how and to what extent the observed changes are related to the activities carried out by the program / policy; and to make available customer information to enhance the evidence of political support of the program / policy (Posavac & Carey, 2007).

Research evaluation is the set of actions, or the outcome of these, aimed at formulating a judgment, more or less structured, activities or results of scientific research. The purposes, the techniques, the object, and, more generally, the circumstances associated with the evaluation of research are the widest and different. Similarly, it should be noted that all types of research (in any discipline or culture) may be subject to evaluation, and is included in the definition. (Rossi, Lipsey & Freeman, 2004).

The program evaluation is the evaluation of a set of measures (program), which is based on some set of resources of a series of interventions. They are certain, usually at designated target groups to be reached. Program evaluation is of personnel evaluation, policy evaluation and product evaluation to distinguish (Rossi, Lipsey & Freeman, 2004).

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