Euthanasia Of The Terminally Ill To Relieve Suffering

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Euthanasia of the Terminally Ill To Relieve Suffering


Euthanasia means good death which can be understood and popularly known as dying and death serene sweet mercy killing. In a technical sense would be death without suffering caused to someone suffering from an incurable or painful disease. Death is caused by own will and without physical suffering in a terminally ill in order to avoid a painful death. The practice is to administer drugs, chemicals or other substances to relieve the patient's pain yet that this will shorten the life of this (Uhlman pp. 10).

Euthanasia is defined as causing death to a human, thus seeks to avoid suffering. It is also known as Homicide and Old Lace. Euthanasia is the direct killing of a person dying, suffering or decreased. There are various classifications, one of which is voluntary euthanasia, which is done with full consent of the victim and involuntary euthanasia, as the name says it is because it is done without consent, contrary to the will.

Many countries seek legal recognition of this practice. There are various arguments for supporters of euthanasia in order to be legalized, some of these arguments are whether a person is intolerable suffering and calls for the death, other people obey because compassion overwhelms them. Others say that if a patient is terminally ill with an incurable disease, it is the same as the previous one, forming the so-called compassionate homicide (Moreno pp. 52).


To support euthanasia is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis and thoughtful about it, without being influenced by moral and religious conceptions that each of us possesses, which is certainly difficult, but we believe that there is a right to life and everything As this implies, dignity and freedom of the human person, is also essential that there is a right to die with dignity and this results in positive euthanasia, which is a valid way for a terminally ill patient who no longer want to suffer anymore, is a intimate and personal decision, which applies only take the person in question (Manning pp. 25).

Life is the essential value and must be protected by the state with all possible means, but we can not ignore the human side of the issue and be honest in stating that death must be the least traumatic and painful as possible and this option provides euthanasia, which is hardly a crime, his motives are of mercy both for the sufferer and for those around him.

In recent years some countries have taken the road of the legalization of euthanasia: the emblematic case of Holland, which in 1993 had not made punishable the conduct of the physician who administers death upon request, subject to certain procedures. In the United States is the State of Oregon passed a law to have permissive endorsed by a referendum, but the legislation is currently suspended, pending before the Supreme Court (Kolata pp. 1).

In US, carried out euthanasia fall within any of the provisions covered by the penal code for murder case: if the ...
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