The word euthanasia comes from the Greek as well: eu = good, Thanatos = death. "Good death" a term that has evolved and now refers to the act of ending the life of another person, upon request, in order to minimize their suffering.
The suicide assisted can be done in two ways:
By action of the doctor directly.
On doctor's guidance and through applications drugs or gases mortals.
A deep research on euthanasia, one of the most discussed historical dilemmas of medicine. Doctors, clergy, lawyers and relatives of terminally ill, leave their testimony on the subject. Most admit passive euthanasia, i.e., to avoid prolonging a patient's life by mechanical means when you know that this has no chance of living. Etymologically, sweet death or euthanasia means no physical suffering. But today it is understood as willfully caused the death of a person who no longer can withstand the pain of a terminal illness and has no hope of life, becoming a burden to himself and his family, spiritually, psychological and even economic. Euthanasia is a challenge from the ethical point of view and also from the legal. Some hospice asked to let them die with dignity to their suffering is gone. That presents a dilemma for physicians and family members who must take a final decision.
Discussion and Analysis
Within the ethical debates in the medical profession, euthanasia has a unique present. After years, a large literature has been published in medical pros and cons. The discussion revolves around the tension between ethical imperatives to relieve suffering, particularly in terminally ill patients who take a conscious decision to end their lives, and the prohibition against the participation of physicians and other health professionals in the control of a life.
The issue is not new, in late 1939 was in the Pediatric Clinic of Leipzig University, then headed by Professor Dr. Catel, blind and retarded child with only two limbs. His grandmother sent a request to Hitler to guarantee the so-called "mercy killing" or mercy killing. Hitler sent his personal physician, Dr. Brandt, who, after a consultation with Dr. Catel, authorized the application in this case of euthanasia. On August 18, 1939 provided for the obligation to declare newborns with physical defects. Three experts of the highest creditworthiness, including Dr. Catel, decide death or life of the child and extended authorization, based on the form of statements. Physicians in 21 pediatric departments of Germany had ...