Euthanasia is the term that depicts one of the social issues of society. There has been a huge debate and arguments regarding the legalization of Euthanasia due to many ethical issues that are related to it. The philosophical comments and the theology related to Euthanasia have been argued for a long period of time. There are still many aspects indeterminate about euthanasia, it is worth mentioning some as human dignity and autonomy, not taking the human being from a biological point of view, essentially, the quality of life and freedom of choice and should not abigüedad to forget that you can reach its eventual legalization. The philo0sophers in the past has argued and opposed the act of Euthanasia based on the ethical and religious reasons. This paper deals with the ethical issues that are involved with the legalization of the act of Euthanasia regarding the philosophical arguments. . This paper is on stance that is against the act and the legalization Euthanasia but both the point of views are considered. This is for the social as well as for the ethical reasons.
Table of contents
Euthanasia: An Ethical Dilemma4
Thesis statement4
Definition of Euthanasia4
Philosophy of euthanasia5
Plato point of view5
Pythagoras point of view6
Aristotle point of view6
Epicurus point of view6
Ethical and moral aspects7
Moral aspect7
Ethical arguments8
Arguments for legalization: Right to die can lead to murders9
Euthanasia and medical ethics9
Why allowing or prohibiting Voluntary Euthanasia10
Debate on the statement “right to die”10
Ethical issues and the concerns that are raised by euthanasia11
Euthanasia and abortion11
Euthanasia: might be a wrong decision12
Euthanasia: An Ethical Dilemma
Thesis statement
The act f the Euthanasia is argued since very long but Euthanasia is unethical under many arguments from the medical, legal and social aspect of life.
Euthanasia is burning issues for debate in America since past many years in the American society. There are many reforms and legislation passed in the favor of and against the practice of physician assisted suicide and euthanasia. The legality of euthanasia has raised many other ethical issues in the society and has been reason to the feeling of anxiety among the people of an ill person's life so as to make him free from the pain and sufferings he is going through. This process is usually followed on the demand of a person in order to make and let his soul free from the pain. The process of euthanasia is carried out with the person who is usually suffering from a disease that is incurable.
There are many questions that are raise when considering the dilemma and the ethical issues regarding the ethics and euthanasia. One of the important questions that is often raised is: is it morally and ethically correct to end the life of a person who is terminally ill and suffers from severe pain? What are the circumstances that can justify euthanasia and can give it all legal status? What is the moral dissimilarity that can justify the idea of killing a person and letting them die?
This term was first used by English philosopher Francis Bekkonom, in ...