Ethics In Psychology

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Ethics in Psychology

Ethics in Psychology


Ethics is also known as moral philosophy; it basically governs our behavior and guides us to differentiate between right and wrong (Velasquez, 2012). Every profession demands different ethical practices. Similarly, in the field of psychology the role of ethics holds an immense importance. When psychologists treat their patients, there are various ethical concerns that arise, therefore, to counter these concerns system has developed different laws. Mostly these laws cover the several ethical issues arise for anyone working in the field of psychology (


Like every professional, psychologists have to follow certain ethical principles. Different articles represent the study of ethics in psychology. Among them one article is “Ethical Issues in Exercise Psychology” this article is written by Jeffrey S. Pauline, Gina A. Pauline, Scott R. Johnson, and Kelly M. Gamble, who identified several key ethical issues that arise in exercise psychology (Pauline et al, 2006).

Exercise psychology is an emerging field which is related to the diverse mental issues, theories, and physical activity and exercises. In this article the authors have given an overview of ethics and ethical issues in exercise psychology. The main theme of this article revolves around ethical considerations while performing exercise psychology, according to this article. It says that the ethical principles set by APA and AAASP clearly emphasize the significance of recognizing and respecting the human difference such as gender, age and race do exist and it can affect a practitioner's work. This article highlights that it is very important for psychologist to understand the cultural aspects of different people in order to provide psychological services. Article further states that multiple-role conflicts during counseling or therapy may be encountered when clear boundaries have not been established. Therefore, it is essential for every psychologist to maintain ethically appropriate professional boundaries.

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