Ethics And Law

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Ethics and Law

Ethics and Law


This paper has been with regards to ethics in law enforcement and possible abuse of power of law enforcement officers and employees. It is extremely essential for every individual to practice ethics and to ensure that laws that have been formulated are being followed well. When law is being made, there are some ethical implications that need to be followed, and therefore, it is the duty of the employees and the officers to follow them. However, there are some issues that might occur with regards to law enforcement.


Leadership is differentiated from moral leadership in a way that moral leadership helps the individuals differentiate right from wrong while leadership is simply about leading and influencing the people around us. It is important for the leaders to follow the moral values, however today we can find many leaders at all the levels who indulge themselves in immoral practices that may be beneficial for them and their supporters but they negatively affect the others (Tushnet, 2008).

Leadership influences the other people and encourages them to behave in a particular way. The difference between just leadership and moral leadership is that moral leadership obliges the leader to look at the things that are right and then to lead the others. It is the character of the person that helps him or her to opt for moral choices and it is not always the rational thinking that determines the decisions. Due to this, moral leadership becomes difficult for the people as personal characteristics determine the choices and the moral practices of the people. Moral leadership therefore becomes difficult because it is difficult to make choices and especially because the things that are good in the eyes of the leader are not always considered to be good by the other people. There are various sets of values that determine the values and principles because of which the moral standards cannot always be considered totally right or wrong and this makes moral leadership very challenging. Today, there is a dire need of the people to lead the others morally and to guide them in differentiating right from the wrong. The moral values should not just be taught to the people but the leaders must promote it as well. The parents, teachers and the business leaders play a very vital role in promoting the moral values and it is the character of an individual that determines his choices (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009).

Ethics is very important because it relates to customs and human behavior, such as dealing with the behavior of people, also has to do with the values of each person. Ethics teaches us to behave in society, also teaches values. Even in these times, ethics and morality have been lost because people no longer care about the education of new generations. For example today's parents no longer so interested, teach your children the values and ethics for taking the time on other things, could be material. That is why ethics is important because ...
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