Ethical Anlysis Of The Aberdeen Three

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Ethical Analysis of the Aberdeen Three

Ethical Analysis of the Aberdeen Three


Aberdeen case highlights significant implications for the people and corporate organizations, mainly engineering firms. It is essential to ensure that the operational procedures being followed at production sites are safe and protective. Aberdeen case highlights great concern towards aligning the operational activities with the legal policies of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Disposal of hazardous waste and management of dangerous chemical substances is incumbent on every line authority manager. In this concern, chemical weapons development procedure should be protected and restricted under the legal acts for the protection of environment and interest of society.

Main Parties and Moral Issues

Main parties that are involved in Aberdeen case are the US Army, US Justice department, and the workers. US Army is responsible to upgrade its systems and weaponry for improving the national defense system. Under this objective, it should be given liberty to expand its research base for the development and testing of new weapons. However, associated moral issues with this objective are how Army justifies its action and how do their actions impact on society. Second responsibility relates to the judicial system; in terms of decision taken and punishment given to offenders. Court have right to free any convicted person if it deems that the context in which action was done was justifiable or correct. Moral issue associated with it is what implications have been assessed by the court to revoke action's acceptability. Responsibilities for employees surround how their actions affect the society in general. Employee have right to acclaim their freedom for situations which increase the risk due to natural vulnerabilities. Moral obligation for this approach relates to the duty rights, i.e. actions that need to be taken care of.

Conceptual Issues and Social ...
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