Equality and diversity are at the heart of the NHS strategy. Investing in a diverse NHS workforce enables us to deliver a better service and improve patient care in the NHS.
Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone has the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Diversity is about recognizing and valuing difference in its broadest sense.
Equality and diversity lie at the heart of current UK health priorities. They are important subjects for everyone who works in the National Health Service (NHS). This is particularly the case for the GP, whose role is located at the interface between the NHS and the community he or she serves. The patient-doctor relationship is crucial to the health status and health care experiences of local people; a number of whom are likely to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or Trans (LGBT) people. To achieve the optimal outcomes from such encounters, the skilled GP understands the social context in which LGBT people live their lives, is knowledgeable about LGBT health concerns, is a skilled communicator with LGBT patients and has developed attitudes which value diversity. This article examines current evidence about the health needs of LGBT communities and identifies ways to support GPs to promote equality and value diversity for LGBT patients.
Hiring and firing;
Compensation, assignment, or calcification of employees;
Transfer, promotion, dismissal or reinstatement;
Job advertisements;
Use of facilities;
Training and apprenticeship programs;
Fringe benefits;
Salary, retirement plans and disability leave, or
Other terms and conditions of employment.
Prohibited practices under these laws also include:
Harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or age;
Retaliate against an individual for filing a complaint of discrimination, participating in an investigation or opposing discriminatory practices;
Employment decisions based on stereotypes or assumptions about the skills, characteristics or performance of individuals of a particular sex, race, age, religion or ethnic group, or individuals with disabilities;
Denying employment opportunities to a person because of marriage or be associated with an individual of a race, religion or national origin in particular, or an individual with a disability. His policies also prohibit discrimination based on participation in health care or places of social communities associated with a racial, ethnic or religious in particular.
The following procedures are needed to be implemented if equality in rights and social justice is needed to be prevailed in health and social care education.
Promotion: equity, gender and culture of inclusion, tolerance and respect for diversity,
Advocacy and promotion of integral human rights
Promoting equal opportunities for women
Prevention and care of family violence
Cultural and sport promotion
Strengthening and integration of families and communities
Strengthening of community identity
Recovery of public spaces and urban image
Citizen participation in social development
Encouragement of neighborhood organization and coexistence
Community Protection
Analysis, monitoring and evaluation of public policy
Territorial impact
Responsibility in actions and in mobilizing resources
Visibility strategies
Growth, reliability and adaptability of the intervention model
Interest on items with similar or complementary organizations
Process and project sustainability
Methodological contribution
Legality of actions
Equality, diversity, equal social and health care, regardless of skin color, age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, treat all the ...