Equal Protection Or Due Process Paper

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Equal Protection or Due Process Paper

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Equal Protection or Due Process Paper


This paper will be analyzing the law that was passed in early and mid of 1980's in which the legislative restricted the drinking age to 21. This step was taken in order to promote road traffic safety. Further the legislation has passed the orders which introduced random drug testing for the students and the employees working in an organization.

Discussion Analysis

How would you analyze the effect of these policies?

The implementation of these polices have a significant effect on the people who were drinking below the age. The students used to drink by hiding from their families and this was taking the society in to the dark side. The policy implemented by legislation of United States will help a lot to reduce the habit of drinking (Wechsler & Lee, 2000). There are many effects of drinking such as, drinking leads to greater tolerance and physical dependence to alcohol that affects the individual's ability to control consumption. It is believed that these characteristics are the inability to stop drinking by alcoholics. Alcoholism can have negative effects on mental health, causing psychiatric disorders and an increased risk of suicide. By implementation of this policy it will help to reduce these effects. On other hand Adults driving on road after drinking will be reduced and by this much of the accidents that are occurred due to drinking will be reduced (Wagenaar & Toomey, 2004).

What approach might you take, and what types of information might you seek and use?

From the perspective of decision making, the approach of Harm reduction is not a passive strategy imposed participants: it is rather an active and interactive. People who choose this approach must evidence of self-management, so as to be able to predict risk situations and to find practical options appropriate to the situation faced and taking into account the goals. The inclusion in our legislation a minimum age to buy alcohol and Tobacco is an official recognition of our society that young people beyond a certain age are generally able to make informed choices about it, and that in general, Minors are not.

Thus, the main challenges relation to harm reduction among young people who came of age is pragmatic in nature and focused on implementation of effective strategies. The reduction Harm to minors, meanwhile, is controversial and raises important ethical questions. Adolescence is a stage of life characterized by a increasing autonomy, and the great variability of their emotional, social and intellectual ensures that the ability of adolescents to make decisions, as a general point of view as fundamental to behavior tally related to illegal substance use, ready to uncertainty and differences of opinion (Mitchell & Toomey, 2005). This situation poses the question: at what age, in general, young people are they able to make informed decisions about consumption substances, in the context of consumption and ways minimize risk or harm reduction, the choice to abandon abstinence? It is important to distinguish between harm reductions ...
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