Fair And Impartial Jury-Case Study (Johnson V. State, 423 Md 137 (2011))

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Fair and Impartial Jury-Case Study

(Johnson v. State, 423 MD 137 (2011))

Fair and Impartial Jury-Case Study

(Johnson v. State, 423 MD 137 (2011))

Type of Case

This case deals with the petition to the U.S. Supreme court on the issue of mistrial as the improper investigation is done by juror, which violates petitioner's right to an impartial jury.

Facts of the Case

The petitioner was found guilty of robbery and scheming to go for armed robbery and related offence, by the jury. The State declared two inoperable cell phones among, other evidence, used by petitioner's cousin. During deliberation the jury informed the court by a note ...
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