EEO is employment practice that does not discriminate against applicants because of race, age, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 proposed by John F. Kennedy helped establish EEO. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made racial discrimination in public places illegal, and it established the infrastructure and platform for EEO. There is an urgent question today, in terms of social justice, the consequences of this concentration of wealth, high skills and means of production which has the effect of ensuring that one a privileged social position, while excluding other benefits of society, sometimes by referring to forms of extreme social vulnerability (Ware, 2008).
Equality of opportunity in employment cannot be a mere shadow of itself. Aided by powerful social and cultural dynamics, it is essential in people's minds as impassable horizon of social justice. Designed in a radically individualistic perspective, it also allows and makes invisible social inequalities deepest and most enduring. Behind his standard, recompose and caste privileges are redefined, re-elaborated languages stigma for stating the condition of those who have taken advantage of their "chances". Pegged to the postulates of social justice conceived in terms of unbridled individualism, equality of opportunity, as a doctrine, is more today than the decohesion social integration. It will never bring about the well-ordered society we seem to unanimously call our vows.
Thinking with equal chances against equality of opportunity. This is the challenge we face. This requires, first, a redefinition of the individual and its relationship with others and society as a whole. This involves the discovery of inconsistencies and false pretenses of the individualistic conception of equality of opportunity. This assumes the defense of a more marked release of social means of production, broadly defined. Through taxation, the reform of inheritance through education, through vocational training, by strengthening the social mix, by eliminating or neutralizing the effects of social vulnerability, it is indeed giving everyone a real chance. However, nothing fundamental has been acquired if, moreover, equality of opportunity has not been located in a social context where hierarchies are less strong and less large social gaps. As in the guise of equality of opportunity it will provide happy few to grab most of the bets, while in other tight battalions will be returned to their bitterness and their disillusionment, social decohesion go well. Equality of opportunity is tolerable only if, at the other end of the social spectrum, not hover or the risk of poverty, nor that of exclusion (Bennett-Alexander, 2007).
Solidaristic conception of equality of opportunity in which we defend the principle is to achieve such a result. It involves a change of viewpoint on the individual, society and how it produces wealth. It is little and seems unattainable when you measure what level of depth are the intellectual habits it is shaken.
The rise of the individualistic conception of equality of opportunity is such that it appears to have brought with it the bulk of political ...