Evaluation of Drug Adverse Effect and Risk Minimization
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Epidemiology is a broad phenomenon; it is concerned with the study of characteristics and determinants of health related stated or events. It helps evaluate policy decisions and application of research studies to control of diseases and other heath related problems. Epidemiologists design studies, collects, interprets, and disseminates data while opening portals for further research and studies. They determine the correlation between various factors associated with the diseases and what might protect humans or animals from such diseases. The science was primarily introduced to examine the causes of contagious diseases only whereas, now it has expanded its scope by involving non-contagious diseases like cancer and poisonings caused by environmental agents.
Epidemiological studies can be categorized into two basic types; prospective and retrospective. Retrospective refers to studies that have already taken place while prospective it concerned with the events that may happen in the future. The strength of the study solely depends on cases and control involved in the study, the higher the case, the better chance of significant association between the disease and hypothetical risk factor. It is crucial here to astutely determine which behavioral, environmental and health factors to be studies and examined as potential risk factors. If relevant factors are not determined, the study would conclude misleading results and will not be able to provide any useful information. Henceforth, epidemiologic methods are meant to define, recognize, organize, and explicate the causes of health related issues while planning and evaluating rational control measures.
Insulin Glargine
Insulin Glagine was approved by United States Food and Drug Administration in April 2000 and is used for the treatment of type 1 diabetic patients as well as people with type 2 diabetes. These patients are deficient in producing insulin so the amount of sugar in the blood rises, leading them to diabetes. Whereas, in type 2 diabetes, the body of the patient produces insulin but lacks the ability to make use of it and, thus, cannot control blood sugar levels. Insulin glargine is a man-made version of the actual insulin hormone made in the pancreas. It extracts sugar from the blood and transmits in into the other body tissues where it is used for energy purposes. It also breaks down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins from the diet. Diabetic patients are short of insulin since in is not produced by pancreas, so additional insulin is required. If left untreated, diabetic patients can invite other severe diseases while developing serious nerve, blood vessel, kidney, and eye problems (Dashora & Dashora, 2000).
Insulin glargine serves the additional requirement for insulin in diabetic patients. It is produced using recombinant technology; by substituting acid glycine for aspargine at position A21 and A-chain of human insulin by adding two arginine molecules to the NH2 terminal end of the B-chain of human insulin (Dashora & Dashora, 2000).
Insulin glargine comes in the form of injection, and unlike common injections, it is injected beneath the skin and not the blood veins. This medication is done once a ...