Environmental Politics And Policy

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Environmental Politics and Policy

Environmental Politics and Policy


Environmental policy is a system of activities related to the influence of society on nature. Environmental policy it is a set of organizing principles and intentions regarding the environmental performance of its activities, which forms the basis for developing specific goals and objectives. In the explanatory dictionary for Nature Conservation is a definition: "Environmental Policy - a set of ways to achieve environmental goals and objectives of the strategy." This environmental strategy defined as a set of goals and objectives designed for the real possibilities and terms for their achievements in the field of environmental protection and natural resources.

Types of environmental policy:


Global is an international, political and foreign shares in the calculation of environmental constraints in the socioeconomic development of the world's reserves of natural resources and their distribution among countries. State - social and economic policy, including international, based on an understanding of the effects and disadvantages associated with the environmental condition of the territory and waters.

Regional environmental policy

Regional environmental policy is a government policy with respect to the regions, as well as environmental policy, implemented by the regions. Local Environmental Policy

Go to the local environmental policy include holding local and objective monitoring of the state control of compliance with environmental laws, the organization developing local environmental programs and projects.

Environmental policy at the level of entrepreneurs

Upon receipt of the ecology of the dominant status in the system of social values, the company cannot do without displaying its environmental policy in the long-term plans. Environmental policy for Agricultural facility can be view as a strategic element of planning.

Role of International Environmental Law in the Regulation of International Environmental Policy

International environmental law is a set of principles and norms of international law governing the relations of its subjects, in the field of environmental protection and rational use of its resources. The scientific literature is more common name of "international environmental law." The term "environmental law” preferred only because of its universal use.

Trend view

Nowadays, the international protection of the environment comes to the fore. Many scientists suggest that consequences of inadequate attention to the problem could be catastrophic. It is not only about the welfare of humanity, but also about its survival. Particularly disturbing is that environmental degradation may be irreversible. Water pollution is detrimental to ocean health and the Fish Stocks Agreement. Inter-regional projects to build dams, dams, canals, drainage of wetlands degrade the world's farmland, drought and soil erosion in many countries around the world. Air pollution causes more significance damage to human health in the world. The massive destruction of forests affects the climate of the planet and reducing biodiversity, gene pool. Serious public health threat is the depletion of the ozone layer that protects against harmful radiation from the sun. To catastrophic changes in Earth's climate is the "greenhouse effect" that is global warming due to increasing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Irrational use of mineral and living resources leads to their depletion, which again raises the problem of ...
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